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Termos e Condições

Last modified: June 1st, 2024

You recognize that the Terms of Service entail a binding arbitration agreement tailored to individual resolution of disputes, foregoing jury trials or class actions, and limiting available remedies in the event of a dispute.

You acknowledge that this website, operated by A.E.S. LLC (‘A.E.S.’), does not function as a law firm or offer legal services. Its forms and templates are not substitutes for legal counsel, and in using the site, you are representing yourself in legal matters. There is no establishment of an attorney-client relationship or privilege through the use of A.E.S. or its website.. Your visit or utilization of the site signifies your understanding and agreement with the Disclaimers, Privacy, and Refund policies outlined on the website.

You consent to receiving electronic communications from A.E.S. as part of the services provided. Additionally, A.E.S. may assign a unique email address to your account to facilitate receipt of notices from the relevant government body processing your travel document and application. Should you wish to cease the use of this email associated with your account or discontinue receiving notices about your application, please contact us.
You understand that A.E.S.’s review of your responses is confined to assessing completeness, spelling, and internal consistency of names, addresses, and similar details. Before signing the final application(s), you commit to reviewing them, where
applicable, and assume sole responsibility for their content.


Accuracy of Information & Third-Party Consent

By signing this agreement, you affirm the accuracy and correctness, to the best of your knowledge, of all information provided to A.E.S. and this website. Moreover, you consent to our third-party processing authorizations, including the utilization of your data and digital signature.

Electronic Signatures

You grant consent to A.E.S. and this website to affix your electronic signature as necessary and file mandatory documents for the purchased service. You understand that you retain the right to withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us, resulting in the immediate discontinuation of our services.

International Customers

You acknowledge that certain materials on A.E.S.’s website, such as
questionnaires, documents, instructions, and filings, are available exclusively in English.
Any non-English translations of these Terms and other policies are provided for convenience only. In case of any discrepancy or conflict between translations, the English version prevails.


Restriction on Liability and Indemnity

Unless prohibited by law, you agree to indemnify A.E.S., its officers, directors, employees, and agents against any indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including attorneys’ fees and related costs, arising from this agreement, regardless of the cause (contract, negligence, or other tortious action), or any violation of federal, state, or local laws, statutes, rules, or regulations. A.E.S.’s liability, if found, is limited to the amount paid for the products or services, with no consequential or punitive damages, unless prohibited by law. Some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain damages, which may affect the terms of this agreement.


Services provided by external parties

If you purchase a service involving third-party services, additional terms may apply, as indicated on the third party’s website. A.E.S. disclaims liability for any information, materials, products, or services offered by third parties, including failures in products or services. Third-party websites may have different privacy policies and security levels.


Future Services

These Terms and Conditions apply to any additional products or services purchased after the initial transaction.


Refund Policy

You acknowledge A.E.S.’s Refund Policy, which is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions.


Governing Law

These Terms and Conditions and your use of the website are governed by the laws of Miami, Florida, USA, without regard to conflict of law principles.


Claims Timing

Any claim related to this website must be filed within 2 weeks of the claim or cause of action arising.


Arbitration and Venue

Disputes are subject to confidential arbitration in Miami, Florida, USA, under the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator’s award is binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction.

In essence, the arbitrator chosen must possess relevant expertise regarding the dispute’s subject matter. The costs associated with arbitration, as determined by the arbitrator, shall be covered by the prevailing party or allocated among the parties according to the arbitrator’s discretion. Apart from these expenses, each party is responsible for bearing its own costs, legal fees, and expenses. The arbitration process must conclude within one hundred twenty (120) days of either notifying or filing a demand for arbitration with the American Arbitration Association, whichever comes first.


Final Arbitration

The decision of the arbitrator is final and can be enforced as a court judgment in any appropriate court in Miami, Florida, USA. All details of the arbitration process, including testimony, evidence, rulings, and documents, are treated as confidential. Neither party is permitted to share or disclose this information unless compelled to do so by law.


Class Action Waiver

To the fullest extent permitted by law, arbitration proceedings under these Terms of Service cannot be combined with arbitrations involving other parties subject to these Terms, whether through class arbitration or otherwise. You consent to arbitration on an individual basis. In any dispute, neither you nor we are entitled to join or consolidate claims with other users in court or arbitration, nor participate as a class representative, member, or in a similar capacity. The arbitral tribunal cannot consolidate claims from more than one individual or preside over representative or class proceedings. The tribunal cannot assess the enforceability of this class arbitration waiver, and any challenge must be raised in a court of competent jurisdiction. Your use of this website confirms your acceptance of and agreement with this waiver.


Suspended Accounts

You acknowledge that we have the authority, though not the requirement, to monitor, suspend, terminate, modify, disclose, refrain from posting, or delete, at any time and for any reason at our sole discretion, any material, content, and/or activity on this website.
Despite this right, we are unable to review all submissions to this website. Upon notification, we may investigate claims that content violates these Terms and Conditions and decide whether to remove the communication. However, we are not obligated to remove content and disclaim any responsibility or liability for actions or content exchanged by you or any third party within or outside of this website. This includes, but is not limited to, errors, defamation, libel, slander, omissions, falsehoods, obscenities, pornography, profanity, dangers, or inaccuracies.


Filing Fees

The listed prices for application preparation assistance services do not cover government application, medical examination, filing, or biometrics fees. Government fees are non-refundable. For more details, refer to the Refund Policy.


Following your purchase, you might receive an email survey invitation from this website. Additionally, you have the option to leave a review on the website.
If you choose to participate in the survey or submit a review, your feedback may be shared, either fully or partially, on the website or utilized in marketing materials. The review may include limited identifiable details, such as your first name and last initial, the purchased product, your gender, city and/or state, and age range.

Force Majeure

A.E.S. will not be held accountable for any breach or default under these Terms and Conditions or any contract with me or any other user, and shall not be liable to me, should there be a cessation, interruption, or delay in fulfilling its obligations due to circumstances beyond its control. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, natural disasters (such as earthquake, flood, fire, storm, lightning, drought, landslide, hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, tornado), acts of God or public enemy, epidemics, pandemics, famine, plagues, actions of courts or public authorities, changes in law, explosions, war, terrorism, armed conflict, labor strikes, lockouts, boycotts, or similar events. If such a Force Majeure Event persists for more than 60 days in total, A.E.S. reserves the right to immediately terminate these Terms of Service without any liability to me due to or because of such termination.


Authority to refuse

You recognize that A.E.S. retains the authority to decline service to any individual. You comprehend that these terms impact my legal rights and responsibilities. If you do not consent to abide by all these terms, you will refrain from using this service. By continuing with your purchase, you affirm your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

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